Escort intelligent mini data logger manual
www.doorway.ruker Group, UAE supplies various temperature monitoring solutions and data loggers for cold rooms, ware houses, chil. mini logger specifications. # sample point capacity 43, (temperature only)21, (temp, humidity and dewpoint) # sample rate 1 second to 18 hours. # alarms high and low temperature and humidity w/ visual indication on demand. # temperature range f to f (c to +70c). The data is easily download to a PC using the mini USB/ USB download cable supplied with the unit. No proprietary software is needed to down load and view the data which is immediately available in pdf CVT format. But additional software is available for the comprehensive managment of data from muliple loggers.
Features. Features of version of the LogTag Analyser Software include: Windows 7 Compatibility. Automatic download of data when a new LogTag is inserted into an interface. Supports multiple interfaces thereby allow multiple downloads and batch configuring of LogTags. Display printing of data in Chart, list or summary form. Escort iMiniPlus PDF Logger Quick User Guide v Escort Verification Technologies, Inc. dba ESCORT Data Loggers PO Box , Parkway Drive Buchanan, VA Ph: Fax: Email: Contents. ESCORT Live app Intelligent, Precise Owner’s Manual AWB ESCORT iXc Manual Rev A, ECN USB A / Mini B cable for. Features. Features of version of the LogTag Analyser Software include: Windows 7 Compatibility. Automatic download of data when a new LogTag is inserted into an interface.
NIce for the price. Have only used this for less than a month, but it appears to be well built. I found the instructions a bit confusing but was able to figure. On this page: iMini Logger Models; Single-Trip Loggers; Wireless Mini Loggers; Accessories and Software. Other related pages. management solutions that offer an extensive range of temperature and humidity monitoring devices, Cryopak data loggers are principally.