Esf guidance manual 2
2. Germany on Use of simplified cost options 2. DETOUR TO MEMBER STATES / REGIONS –Germany “It is recommended to use the different forms of simplified cost options that are permitted according to the European Regulations in force for the period in the national and regional calls. [ ]” Manual of Guidance strongly. Published: 2 Dec Last updated: - see all updates. Directorate: Economic Development Directorate. Part of: Communities and third sector, Economy. Guidance regarding employment status, barriers to employment and qualifications for participants in . European Social Fund - Call 2 - Operating Manual. The European Social Fund (ESF) Operating Manual has been produced by the Programme Managing Authority, which is part of the European Fund Management Division within the Department for the Economy (DfE).
69 projects with a total value of £ million were successful in the Call 2 Applications for Funding Competition under the NI ESF Programme The period of funding offered runs from 1 April to 31 March Since the 1 April there are currently 66 projects being delivered across Northern Ireland. An ESF primary agency is a Federal agency with significant authorities, roles, resources, or capabilities for a particular function within an ESF. ESFs may have multiple primary agencies, and the specific responsibilities of those agencies are articulated within the relevant ESF Annex. Revised ESF provider guidance chapter 3, eligibility section - changed 'more than one barrier' to 'at least one barrier'. 19 March Revised chapters 3, 5 and 6, and annexes 1, 1a, 2 and
Regulation 3 of the Public Contracts Regulations or Regulation 2 of the Investment Funds Procurement Requirements and the Guidelines for. This fi-compass publication introduces financial instruments for the European Social Fund (ESF). It gives an overview of the scope for financial instruments. Some recent changes are yet to be added to the guidance, but have been (EEA) for ESF Support from 1 January ; Essential update January - Part 2.