Etc express 48 96 user manual
KB. Model 30 User's Manual. 4. KB. NAFEM Gateway User's Manual, KB. Optimizing Your Process System with the SERIES Controller. Expression Two Scene Preset User Manual, v ix Chapter 16 Effects This document is intended to serve as both a user's guide and reference manual for the Common Data Format (CDF). As such, it provides a primer for introducing the novice reader to the concepts of CDF as well as a reference manual for the advanced user1. However, it does not serve as a cookbook for the proper methods of designing a CDF.
In this video, I explain how to program the ETC Express 24/48 Theatre Lighting controller.I go over the basic UI, channels, dimmers, patching, settings, and. • SmartFade , which provides channel basic Two Scene operation, channel Normal mode for manual and memory playback, and DMX Backup mode for capturing up to 24 DMX states for playback via faders or STACK. • SmartFade , which is the same size as the , but offers channel Normal Mode for manual and memory playback. Express provides you with 24 submaster sliders. A submaster is a group of channels recorded at proportional levels and controlled by a slider and a bump button. Submasters enable you to save complex looks you use frequently and play them back manually. They can also be used as building blocks when you create scenes, cues or other submasters.
ETC permits the reproduction of materials in this manual only for non-commercial purposes. All other rights are reserved by ETC. ETC intends this document. The ETC Express 48/96 Control Console is a 2 scene, 48 channel, or a 1 scene 96 channel dimming control console. It has built-in interfaces for DMX. Step 1: Now the faders in INT A and INT B are controlling the first 48 control channels of the device directly. Fader 1 = control channel 1 etc. The.