Etec icommand manual
I-Command Evinrude Etec gauges for sale | Evinrude E-tec I-Command Multi Function Gauge (icommand) - Power Supply - Module Kit - . Page 2 IMPORTANT: This User’s Guide outlines the functionality and usage of the I-Command ™ Integrated Performance System. Before using the I-Com- mand gauges, first read and understand ALL of the supplied product litera- ture, as well as the boat’s user’s guide and outboard’s operator’s guide. I am purchasing a never been titled Canyon Bay with a Evinrude ETEC that still has a full warranty. It runs GREAT, I've had it checked by 2 mechanics, they're happy with it. One problem, there are no manuals that come with the boat. I found an Operater's Manual for the engine on the Evinrude site, but I cannot find a user's manual for the guages. They're the .
Page 2 IMPORTANT: This User’s Guide outlines the functionality and usage of the I-Command ™ Integrated Performance System. Before using the I-Com- mand gauges, first read and understand ALL of the supplied product litera- ture, as well as the boat’s user’s guide and outboard’s operator’s guide. The network collects and manages information from the Evinrude® E-TEC™ outboard through a central processing unit within each gauge and then dis-plays that information. The I-Command Digital gauge is designed to enhance the engine monitor-ing capabilities of the boater. Additionally, the wiring system is reduced and. The I-Command inch gauges were made by Lowrance and are similar to the Lowrance LMF, but the Evinrude gauges have different firmware so they can work with E-TEC engine messages. --use a generic NMEA display from a manufacturer who has partnered with Evinrude and has the proper firmware to display E-TEC engine messages; certain.
command. Boat and outboard work in perfect harmony for an intuitive not following the instructions, or improper use of boats and engines. I-Command™. DPL™ Lubricant This manual is written for qualified, factory-trained This manual uses the following signal words iden-. Stay informed out on the water with Evinrude's line of engine display gauges, speedometers, and tachometers, built to serve boats of all sizes.