Eton e1 manual
· Tony took amazing care of his radios, but his Eton E1 XM suffered from what all of those models eventually do: a sticky chassis. Back in the day (roughly to ) Eton/Grundig covered a number of their radios models with a rubberized coating that unfortunately breaks down over time and becomes tacky or sticky to the www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 3 mins. e1 manual GENERAL DESCRIPTION The etón E1 is a microprocessor controlled, synthesized, world band receiver with continuous coverage capability from kHz through 30 MHz and from 76 MHz through MHz which includes the AM broadcast and shortwave bands as . Page Eton E1 Quick Guide SW/MW/LW in the display. Press the ‘SW BAND’ key about 3 seconds or until its frequency disappears from twice to highlight SW BAND in the display (if the E1 is the selected .
FR FR FR FR FR M G6 rks rks satellit SAT FRX5 FR solarlink FR FRX5BT Grundig M The E1 XM has a built in telescopic antenna for AM, shortwave and FM reception. Additionally there is a switchable antenna jack [KOK] for an external antenna. There are jacks for Line Input, Line Output, earphones, and external speaker. ETON CAR-HIFI Catalog ETON HOME-HIFI Catalog News Calendar of Events Product News User manuals; Dealersearch Downloads.
Products 1 - 38 of 38 Eton PE AM/FM/Shortwave Radio Owner's Manual Eton Shortwave Water-Resistant Radio with Flashlight, Eton Weather Radio E1. View online or download PDF( kB) Eton G8 Specification Sheet • G8 alarm clocks pdf manual download and more Eton online manuals. Frequency Coverage: , kHz, shortwave, MW AM broadcast band and longwave; selectable or MHz FM broadcast band Reception Modes: AM, FM-.