Eton g6 aviator manual
On sale in RS at $ A steal to search for RFI sources. Otherwise, pretty good FM and high HF sensitivity. A bit weird tuning in SSB on slow but I would complain if it cost $ KH6VP. Rating: Great Shortwave + aviation radio. Time Owned: 0 to 3 months. · Use the Grundig G6 Aviator's manual tuner to find your favorite station, or just punch in the frequency on the built-in numeric keypad you can store up to 70Grundig G6 Aviator portable. The aviator anatole mills by julia millard. Discuss, Grundig AVIATOR G6 Sign in to comment. FR FR FR FR FR M G6 rks rks satellit SAT FRX5 FR solarlink FR FRX5BT Grundig M
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