Etops manual
, Manual contents , ETOPS Type Design Approval Basis , Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations programs. ETOPS revenue flight is used as a maintenance verification flight. Sources: FAA Order , Volume 4, Chapter 6, Section 2. ETOPS Exposition Manual ETOPS-Training program Issued by: SPL/QA Authorized by: SPL/CC Issue: 03/31/ EEM 11 Page 7 of 8 ETOPS Training Responsibilities The head of Technical Training Department (SPL/GK) is responsible for: Development of the ETOPS Training curricula. · ETOPS is now EDTO, "Extended Divertion Time Operations." What remains constant is confusion among many pilots as to what it means, who it impacts, and how to "comply." What it means, for most aircraft, is any operation that is beyond minutes with one engine inopearative from a suitable airport.
ETOPS Manual/Procedures. (EU) / - Part SPA EASA AMC FAA AC B Brief description of ETOPS Definitions Extended Operations. Adequate aerodrome. Approved one-engine inoperative cruise speed. Threshold distance/time. Adequate ETOPS en-route alternate. Equal time points. Rule distance/time. ETOPS segment. ETOPS significant system. , Manual contents , ETOPS Type Design Approval Basis , Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations programs. , Manual requirements. , Continuing analysis and surveillance. , Continuous airworthiness maintenance program (CAMP) for two-engine ETOPS Related CFRs FAA Policy/Guidance: Related CFRs. To conduct ETOPS, the specified airplane-engine combination must be certificated to the airworthiness standards of transport-category airplanes and be approved for ETOPS. However, appendix G to part allows those airplanes manufactured prior to Febru, to be grandfathered from the ETOPS type certification requirements. In addition.
References: (a) The Civil Aviation (Aircraft Operations) Regulations, (b) Operator's AOC approved Operations Manual;. (c) Operators Approved. G ETOPS Alternate Airport means an adequate airport that is an airplane without the Airplane Flight Manual information needed to comply with. requiring manual flight (non-ETOPS condition). These missions were all flown by pilots of the airworthiness authorities unaware of what failures to expect.