Ets oral proficiency testing manual

ETS Oral Proficiency Testing Manual. Princeton, N.J.: Educational Testing Service, ILR ratings have been converted to reflect the equivalent ACTFL ratings. the SLEP Test Manual (e.g., ETS, , pp. 29 ff.), along with reliability estimates above the level, suggest that the SLEP can be expected to provide reliable and valid information regarding the listening and reading skills of ESL students in the G range. • ETS Proficiency Profile • Praxis II, ETS Major Field Tests, ACAT History Exam • Senior Oral Examinations Performance Platforms • Field Experience Internship Evaluations Other Assessments • Student/Peer Course Evaluations • Educational Goals Survey • General Education Learning Outcomes Survey.

Communication; Student Evaluation; Test Use. IDENTIFIERS *ACTFL ETS Proficiency Guidelines. ABSTRACT. The oral proficiency interview, a one-to-one conversational interview structured to elicit the best performance the student can sustain, is based on a scale and test developed 30 years ago by the Foreign Service Institute. Interest in it has. ETS Oral Proficiency Testing Manual. Prince-ton, NJ: Educational Testing Service, 4 The Modern Language Journal 82 () mediate-Low speakers, and after both 3. TExES Preparation Manual—Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test – Spanish 3 O 1 RGANIZATION OF THE TEXES TEST FRAMEWORK The test framework is based on the educator standards for this field. The content covered by this test is organized into broad areas of content called domains. Each.

An investigation of the construct validity of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines and oral interview procedure. Foreign Language Annals, 23(1), Keywords. used to measure proficiency is the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) based the and maintenance of a nationally devised test by the College Board, ETS, or. In the s and s, the need for oral proficiency testing increased as ETS's discontinuance of the SPEAK test in has forced, and is forcing.


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