Etx 90 autostar manual

Instruction Manual. ETXAT Astro Telescope with Autostar Hand Controller ETXAT Astro Telescope with Autostar Hand Controller. Meade Instruments Corporation. 1 Eyepiece - Place the MA 25mm eyepiece into the 90° Eyepiece Holder (3, Fig. 1) and tighten in place with thumbscrew (2, Fig.1). Instruction Manual ETXAT Astro Telescope ETXAT Astro Telescope ETXAT Astro Telescope. ® The name "Meade," “ETX,” “Autostar” and the Meade logo 4 90° Eyepiece Holder 5 Optical Tube 6 Vertical Lock 7 Fork Arms 8 Focus Knob.  · This chapter is based on my experience with an ETX EC (Figure ), but virtually everything in it applies to all models of Autostar. The menu system is mapped on p. Unlike some of its competitors, Autostar is relatively well documented, and I assume that you have Meade's manuals available for reference.

Design: telescope manual, meade etx 90 telescope autostar. (Black) Step by step setup guide manual pdf for meade etxec autostar. Meade Etx 90 Manuale Italiano Very Nice MEADE ETX 90 Astro Telescope / Spotting Scope w/ Custom Carrying Case GuideBook Manual PDF for Meade ETXEC AT/PE 90EC/PE. ETXEC: Refer to the manual included with the ETXEC for instructions on the basic operation of the telescope, including usage of the standard-equipment Electronic Controller (EC). DS-telescopes(e.g., DS, DS, etc.): (a) Refer to the manual included with each of these models for instructions on the basic operation of the telescope. Meade etx 90 manual premier edition telescope series autostar lnt smartfinder 60 pages. What follows is a step-by-step description of the disassembly and Right Tube Adapter replacement. Again, the position was off.

ETXAT: 8 x 21mm Viewfinder: Slide the eyepiece end of the viewfinder operations of Autostar described earlier in this manual. The following examples. it magazines for years, the ETXEC came out with the Autostar. This guide is not meant to replace the official Meade manuals that are originally. Manual Operation of the Telescope w/out AutoStar b Eyepiece: Place the MA 25mm or other eyepiece into the 90° Eyepiece Holder (3, Fig. 1) and.


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