Etx 90ec manual
As a first telescope, the ETXEC or ETXEC reveals nature in an ever-expanding level of detail: observe the feather structure of a bird from 50 yards or study the rings of the planet Saturn from a distance of million miles. Beyond the Solar System observe nebulae, star clusters, galaxies, and other deep-sky objects. Instruction Manual ETX OBSERVER SERIES ETX ETX ETX WARNING! Never use a Meade® ETX telescope to look at the Sun! Looking at or near the Sun will cause instant and irreversible damage to your eye. Eye damage is often painless, so there is no warning to the observer that damage has occurred until it is. ETXEC: Refer to the manual included with the ETXEC for instructions on the basic operation of the telescope, including usage of the standard-equipment Electronic Controller (EC).
rigid fork mountings of the ETX Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope include high-torque DC motors on both telescope axes. Computer: The AutoStar # handbox gives you complete control of your ETX90 system from the palm of your hand. With a database of over 30, objects, you will never run out of things to explore. With. View and Download Meade ETXEC instruction manual online. Astro Telescope. ETXEC telescope pdf manual download. Also for: Etxec. The ETX telescopes can be focused on objects from a distance of about ft (ETXEC) or 15 ft (ETXEC or ETXEC) to infinity. Rotate the focus knob clockwise to focus on distant objects, and counterclockwise to focus on nearby objects. Horizontal Lock - Controls the manual horizontal rotation of the telescope. Loosen the horizontal lock counterclockwise to unlock the telescope, enabling it to be freely rotated by hand about the horizontal axis.
Meade Instruments: A world leader in the manufacturing of Telescopes, Solar Telescopes, Microscopes, Optics, Binoculars, for amateur astronomers and. MEADE Product Instruction Manuals LX SERIES LX10, 8" Schmidt-Cassegrain 90mm ETX Astro Telescope and Spotting Scope · ETXEC and # Autostar. TELESCOPE AND ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER FUNCTIONS 18 1 4 3 2 5 Features of the ETXEC, ETXEC, and ETXEC are identical, with the exception of the size of.