Etx-90ec manual pdf

ETXEC: Refer to the manual included with the ETXEC for instructions on the basic operation of the telescope, including usage of the standard-equipment Electronic Controller (EC). DS-telescopes(e.g., DS, DS, etc.): (a) Refer to the manual included with each of these models for instructions on the basic operation of the telescope. The ETX telescopes can be focused on objects from a distance of about ft (ETXEC) or 15 ft (ETXEC or ETXEC) to infinity. Rotate the focus knob clockwise to focus on distant objects, and counterclockwise to focus on nearby objects. Horizontal Lock - Controls the manual horizontal rotation of the telescope. Instruction Manual ETX OBSERVER SERIES ETX ETX ETX WARNING! Never use a Meade® ETX telescope to look at the Sun! Looking at or near the Sun will cause instant and irreversible damage to your eye. Eye damage is often painless, so there is no warning to the observer that damage has occurred until it is.

An ETX can be focused on objects from a distance of about ft (ETXEC) or 15 ft (ETXEC) to infinity. Rotate the focus knob clockwise to focus on distant objects; counterclockwise to focus on near objects. Flip-Mirror Control (16, Fig. 1): Both ETX models include an internal optically-flat mirror. The ETX telescopes can be focused on objects from a distance of about ft (ETXEC) or 15 ft (ETXEC or ETXEC) to infinity. Rotate the focus knob clockwise to focus on distant objects, and counterclockwise to focus on nearby objects. Horizontal Lock - Controls the manual horizontal rotation of the telescope. Meade Instruments: A world leader in the manufacturing of Telescopes, Solar Telescopes, Microscopes, Optics, Binoculars, for amateur astronomers and hobbyists.

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Meade ETXEC. Base de manuales de instrucciones online. Please download the PDF to view it: Download PDF Meade Instruments Corporation Instruction Manual ETXEC Astr o T elescope ETXEC Astro T elescope. In addition to downloading a user manual, you can ask a question about your device Popular; Meade () · Meade ETXAT (26) · Meade ETXEC (15).


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